Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Fwd: Family reflections from Florence

The popular Storytellers Italy event returns this Saturday evening (6:30-8pm). It's a place to tell or listen to personal stories - anyone can contribute! Please email Linda in advance with funny and uplifting tales at linda(at)the-beehive.com. Click here to join or enter on the app using the Access Code: 225-299-205.

Next week on TF Together

Make a note in your diaries! On Tuesday, March 31 at 5pm, author Kamin Mohammadi advises on how best to approach keeping a diary and writing your memoir (click here or Access Code 526-568-893); Wine Wednesday returns on April 1 at 5pm as sommelier Filippo Bartolotta welcomes Italian white winemakers (click here or Access Code 110-043-517); and on Friday, April 3 at 5pm, Fabio Colucci of The House of Hair, in Florence's borgo Ognissanti, gives his top tips on how to treat and cut hair at home.
TF Together | 5 tips for good mental health
How do we deal with fear, solitude and the host of emotions we're all going through at this exceptional time? TF's Jane Farrell speaks with Florentine psychotherapist Dr. Paolo Molino about the emotions we're experiencing during coronavirus lockdown and how we can process them. These are Dr. Molino's top tips for good mental health during coronavirus, as presented to the public during one of our TF Together online chats.

We want to know...

What's your favourite The Florentine article of all time?
Let us know from memory, or search the entire archive since 2005 on our website theflorentine.net

Helplines during lockdown
Helplines in #Florence during lockdown (and how adopting a "nonno/a" is one way to help).
Combatting domestic violence
If you're a victim of domestic violence, Italy's nationwide helpline remains the first port of call: 1522. Florence's Centro Antiviolenza Artemisia guarantees its helpline (055 601375) from 10am to 5pm from Monday to Friday.
Supermarket priority lines for medics
How a Welsh resident's request became supermarket policy, and Esselunga (and Unicoop Firenze) provided priority lines for healthcare workers.
The latest self-declaration form
Download the updated self-declaration form below. Remember, stay at home unless you need to go grocery shopping, for work or health reasons, or other proven instances of need.

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